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409 events in Sharjah International Book 2019 enriching children's knowledge

409 events in Sharjah International Book 2019 enriching children's knowledge

The 38th Sharjah International Book Fair, within the child’s activities, which takes place from October 30 to November 9, will host 409 events, presented by 28 guests from 13 Arab and foreign countries, to present an integrated mix of workshops in various fields of knowledge, culture and entertainment , Which enrich children's knowledge and release their potential.

The list of countries participating in the activities of the child includes the United Arab Emirates, the United States of America, Italy, Lebanon, Greece, Jordan, Syria, Egypt and the Netherlands.

The activities of the child, presented by the exhibition throughout 11 consecutive days, include a diverse series of workshops and events, the most prominent of which is the "Magic of Writing" workshop presented by Ann Marie Rowland from the United States, during which the magic wand is used to help young children start their own imagination and write their own stories, and from The Netherlands participates in Anemiek Döring, Cinderella and the World.

From Italy, Antonello Tizi is taking part to present a "Starry Night" workshop, where children will design a model that simulates a starry night sky with sparkling stars using a metal plate and a dark blue color, as well as from America, Deborah Reed, to present a "motivating the reader" workshop so that he can During it, participants learn how to formulate sentences that capture the reader and require his attention and focus.

Salman Production Company from Lebanon offers a "Magic Image" workshop, which mixes the magic of the optical image, the alphabet and the circular shapes, and the "Repetition and Difference" workshop, which reflects the aesthetics of repetition and difference, where more than one situation per person will be reproduced and distributed in an innovative way.

The Art Laboratory from Lebanon also offers a diverse series of interactive workshops that address various creative and educational aspects that mimic the imagination of children, including the "Bottle of Tales" workshop, "Galaxy Flasks", "World of Dolls", "Conceptual Photography", "Moon Rocks", And many others. From Greece, the artist Yannis Papadopoulos will participate, where he will reveal during the "Paper Pulp Painting" workshop the interesting ways to prepare an exquisite artwork using colored paper pulp.

The fine artist, Duha Khasawneh from Jordan, offers many workshops and reading sessions that children enjoy and mix education and fun at the same time, and motivates young people to use their senses to perceive things and interact with everything that surrounds them, including the workshop "Our feelings tell" and "We create", And "Let's Sing", "My Heartbeat".

From Egypt, Shaima Al Kilani offers a variety of workshops, including the "Silsal" workshop, which will introduce young people to the principles of design and shaping clay, while creating innovative designs for animals and characters.

In the "Game and Board" workshop, children will form a board of wedges and rubber bands of different sizes in order to improve the muscular visual compatibility and increase the child's ability to focus, and the "Harmony" workshop will encourage young people to create beautiful artistic paintings that help them to strengthen focus and create harmony between the senses.

Many institutions and government departments concerned with children and adolescents are participating in the UAE, where the Prevention and Safety Authority offers a "Safety and Homeland" workshop that talks about the potential risks and ways to prevent them in a fun manner.

The Cultural and Media Office presents a workshop "Drawings and letters" that combines the eloquence of writing and the aesthetics of painting, by presenting distinctive designs that combine shapes and letters.

The Child Safety Department organizes two interactive workshops, "A Walk in the Market", which alerts the importance of listening to the advice of parents when leaving the home, as well as avoiding talking to strangers, asking for help from the police officers when needed, and the workshop "Massoud Al Batal", which is presented in an educational manner to benefit the child and inform him of home safety instructions With the contribution to educate him in this aspect.

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