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Preventive Training System - Salama

SALAMA is a concept adopted by the Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority, encompassing various integrated elements of preventive training to ensure the qualification of human resources in the Emirate of Sharjah in risk management. The system includes the accreditation of occupational health and safety practitioners, institutes offering training activities, training of employees in private establishments, and public awareness campaigns targeting communities most affected by risks. The system operates within an integrated framework to achieve its goals and enhance public awareness regarding risks, aiming to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses while adhering to the requirements of Executive Council Resolution No. 15 of 2021 concerning the Sharjah Occupational Health and Safety System.

Occupational Safety and Health Practitioner (OSHP)

Every Occupational Safety and Health Practitioner (OSHP) working in the Emirate of Sharjah must meet the relevant requirements set by the Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority (SPSA), regardless of whether they work in a government entity or a private establishment. An OSHP is responsible for advising the entity on risk management and working with the employer to develop and monitor the implementation of general policies to ensure the safety and health of workers.

The Sharjah Occupational Safety and Health System (OSHJ) relies on OSHPs to monitor compliance within private establishments and government entities. They play a consultative role to the employer regarding compliance requirements according to the standards applicable in the Emirate of Sharjah. Among their responsibilities, OSHPs must submit periodic reports, address non-compliance observations, conduct investigations, monitor incidents, and report to the SPSA.

For entities engaging in high-risk activities, classified at levels three, four, and five according to their evaluation in the OSHJ, an OSHP registered with SPSA must be appointed. Given the critical role of OSHPs, the SPSA has developed an electronic platform allowing OSHPs to register with the SPSA and publish their data on the official website.

OSHPs must attend a specialised training course on the procedures of the OSHJ. Upon passing the examination, they receive a registration certificate from the SPSA and a membership number. For more information, please refer to the OSHP Guideline available on the guidelines page of the SPSA website.

To register as an OSHP, please follow the link below:

Registration Link

For more information on OSHP requirements, please refer to the attached guideline below:

OSHJ Practitioner Guideline

Preventive Training Institutes for Occupational Safety and Health (PTIOSH)

Based on the Emirate of Sharjah executive council resolutions and the need to regulate the work of institutes engaged in Occupational Safety and Health training in the Emirate of Sharjah, the Authority regulates the operations of these institutes by incorporating them into a defined administrative framework. This framework ensures the quality of the training process and guides the institutes in playing a supportive role based on mutual interest, contributing to the provision of specialized knowledge to manage all risks and reduce the likelihood of injuries and damage in workplaces. Consequently, the institutes deliver courses according to the directives of the Sharjah Occupational Health and Safety System.

The process for institutes to obtain permits begins with acquiring a No Objection Certificate, followed by a Certificate of Practice for Occupational Health and Safety Training in the Emirate of Sharjah, according to the scope of training authorized by the Prevention and Safety Authority. The management of permits for Occupational Health and Safety Training Institutes in the Emirate of Sharjah is governed by the following executive council decisions:

  • Executive Council Resolution No. 31 of 2018 concerning permits for practicing preventive training activities.
  • Administrative Decision No. (52/2021) regarding the administrative and technical controls and standards related to practicing preventive training activities.

Institutes can apply for the issuance of the No Objection Certificate and the Certificate of Practice according to the following link:

Mandatory Occupational Safety and Health Training - Fire (MOSHF)

Training on fire hazards and emergency management is an essential component of the fire prevention system in the Emirate of Sharjah. This system consists of procedures carried out by the automatic fire suppression system in the initial stage of a fire to extinguish it before it spreads. Following this, the role of the employees and occupants of the affected facility becomes crucial. If the fire escalates, firefighters intervene according to the procedures of the Sharjah Civil Defense Authority. These integrated processes are inseparable, and none can be disregarded. The Prevention and Safety Authority plays a partial role in monitoring fire systems in facilities and a comprehensive role in fire hazard training as part of the occupational health and safety course offered at institutes accredited by the SPSA.

All employees in entities operating in the Emirate of Sharjah must undergo training as stipulated by Executive Council Resolution No. 20 of 2019 concerning the training system for preventive and safety measures in the Emirate of Sharjah. This resolution mandates training for 10% of employees in low-risk establishments classified as Level 1 and 2 according to the Sharjah Occupational Health and Safety System, training for 15% of employees in establishments classified as Level 3, and training for 20% of employees in high-risk establishments classified as Level 4 and 5.

To register for employee training in your facility, please follow the registration link below: Registration Link Or contact us at 600515153

OSH Specialized Courses (OSHSC)

Certain courses are classified as critical in the risk management process and should be delivered based on approval from a specialized and recognized accrediting body approved by the SPSA. These courses include first aid, forklift operation, tower crane operation, and others. The SPSA's role is to ensure that institutes provide these specialized courses based on approvals from accrediting bodies and to monitor the validity of the approvals and the accredited trainers for these courses. This is done by issuing a certificate of practice for training activities according to the institute's specific scope. The courses that require third-party accreditation include:

  • Scaffold Erection
  • Scaffold Inspection
  • Rope Access
  • Asbestos Handling
  • Lifting Equipment
  • Lifting Equipment Operator
  • Advanced Fire Training
  • Excavator Operators and Signallers
  • First Aid
  • Confined Spaces (Access and Rescue)
  • Gas Testing and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
  • Mobile Elevated Work Platforms

Institutes engaged in specialized training activities must apply to the Prevention and Safety Authority to obtain a certificate of practice according to the specified training scope of the training institute.

To obtain No Objection Certificates and Certificates of Practice, please follow the instructions in the following link:

Providing Support in Raising Awareness for Different Community Groups

Raising awareness about fire hazards is a crucial, vital, and essential process aimed at changing people's culture and guiding their behavior to align with safe practices, enriching their knowledge to prevent fire incidents. The awareness process cannot be successful without identifying the community groups most affected by fire hazards to target them effectively. Identifying these groups requires data on fire incidents in the emirate. We have introduced a mechanism that enables the Authority to obtain data on confirmed fire reports reported to the Civil Defense from the central control room, in addition to data available from other entities. Based on successful experiences and best practices, certain groups have been identified as being at higher risk of fire hazards:

  • Elderly people
  • Children and young individuals
  • Persons with physical disabilities
  • Individuals with learning difficulties
  • Alcohol and drug users
  • People living in temporary housing
  • The Authority works to enhance risk awareness by intensifying awareness efforts among kindergarten students, the elderly, and homemakers as part of an annual programme updated according to incident developments and performance indicators.

    Training MaterialTraining Program Plan

    The Authority has introduced the "Salama Bus" to provide access to workers at their workplaces and deliver specialized awareness sessions. The bus aims to visit workers at construction sites, residential building guards, industrial facility workers, and government facility employees, with educational material tailored to the target group.

    Bus Visit Log

    Occupational Safety and Health Diploma (OSHDip)

    The Occupational Diploma Program in Occupational Safety and Health aims to equip young professionals in the field of occupational safety and health in collaboration with the University of Sharjah's Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development. The Program adheres to the standards of the Sharjah Occupational Safety and Health System (OSHJ). The diploma  Program supports the SPSA's goals of preparing technical and human competencies necessary for operating and managing risk prevention systems to ensure public safety. This reflects the SPSA's vision of achieving a risk-free and safe community, providing maximum protection to facilities from accidents through the application of the highest safety, security, and quality standards.

    The program focuses on the following key areas:

  • Identifying and defining risks present in the workplace environment that may affect individual safety and health, including understanding their characteristics, sources, routes of entry into the human body, and effects, and measuring them against international standards.
  • Assessing the level of these risks in the work environment, determining their impact and severity on employees.
  • Understanding how to control workplace hazards, and implementing necessary and appropriate measures and procedures to eliminate or minimise these risks.
  • Knowledge of the proper use of personal protective equipment and verifying its effectiveness both theoretically and practically.
  • Applying concepts and techniques of occupational safety and health management in the workplace.
  • First aid procedures.
  • Train-the-trainer techniques.