Preventative Training

Training is considered one of the most important operation that the Institutions depend on in developing the efficiency of the human element. Based on this, and the Amiri decree No. 8 of 2015 for regulating the objectives and competencies of the Prevention and Safety Authority (articles 5 and 6) and in order to preserve the safety of life, the Preventive Training Institute was established with the aim of spreading and raising awareness in the areas of health and safety and reducing injury rates to reach an accident- free society. The Preventive Training Institute organizes training and awareness programs. It also seeks to develop the professional qualifications of all employees in the private and government sectors, fresh graduates from universities and institutes in the UAE, and all individuals concerned with the health and safety community.

Professional Diploma in Preparing Health and Safety

Professional Diploma in Preparing Health and Safety

A program to prepare certified Occupational Health and Safety trainers and Professionals to train youth cadres in the field of Occupational Prevention and Safety in collaboration with the University of Sharjah.

Salamatk Bus (Your Safety Bus)

Salamatk Bus (Your Safety Bus)

The 'SALAMTK'Bus Initiative is a mobile educational project where the education comes to you, by using a bus equipped to support cultural expansion in the areas of Prevention and Safety for building guards or Securities.

The Annual Training Plan

The Annual Training Plan

Schedule of the annual training program plan of the Preventive Training Institute.

Safe Schools

Safe Schools

An initiative to spread Health and Safety culture in the Educational facilities or Schools in the emirate of Sharjah through innovative and advanced training courses.

Professional Diploma

Professional Diploma in Preparing Occupational Health and Safety Trainers aims at qualifying youth in the field of occupational prevention and safety, in accordance with the international standards for occupational safety and health management (OSHA), The professional diploma supports the objectives of the Authority to prepare the technical and human competencies necessary for the operation and management of prevention and risk management systems addressing the risks to ensure public safety, reflecting the Authority's vision of a safe and risk-free society, and to provide utmost protection against accidents by applying the highest internationally recognized safety and quality standards. The main areas the program addresses are as follows:

  • Identification of risks in the work environment, which may affect the safety and health of the individual, by knowing: characteristics, sources, and ways of entry into the human body, and their effects, and measurement of those risks using global standards;
  • Assessment of the level of these risks in the work environment, and determining the severity of their impact on employees;
  • Methods of controlling the risks of the work environment, and taking the necessary measures and procedures that would eliminate or reduce those risks;
  • Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and verifying its effectiveness in theory and in practice;
  • Application of occupational safety and health management systems to the work environment;
  • First aid;
    • Training of Trainers

The First Batch

Conditions for Enrollment in the Professional Diploma

Requirements for admission of trainers to the Occupational Health and Safety Diploma in cooperation with the University of Sharjah:

  • Should have a training certificate or have previously worked as a trainer or lecturer.
  • Age between 25 and 45 years.
  • Fluent in computer use.
  • Be of good conduct and obtain security approval.
  • High school diploma is the minimum qualification required.
  • Must commit to attend all training sessions, provided that the attendance rate for students is not less than 80%.
  • To comply with the requirements of completing the professional diploma including preparation of a training package, design of training material and holding 20 training courses.
  • To pass the personal interview by the competent committee in the Prevention and Safety Authority.
  • Obtain a no-objection approval from the employer to represent the Prevention and Safety Authority during the training sessions.
  • The professional diploma lectures will be held in the evening (during weekdays from Sunday to Wednesday) for the duration of 7 weeks.

Post-Graduation Requirements:

  • Commit to use of the approved training material itself and obtain the approval of the Authority for any changes required;
  • The training courses should be held after the end of the official working hours or during periodic holidays or in the evening period and does not contradict the official working hours;
  • To hold 20 training courses for different parties within six months from the date of completion of the professional diploma;
  • Notifying the Authority of all the developments of the courses, including the course (picture or video), evaluation questionnaire

Responsibilities of trainers towards SPSA

Preparation of a training package, which includes the development of training material from the six topics listed below, which will be offered in the professional diploma, and the selection of a maximum of 3 topics:

  • Fundamentals of occupational safety, health and risk management.
  • Industrial safety in the fields of mechanics and electricity.
  • Safety in the construction sectors and projects.
  • Fire prevention, emergency plans and evacuation.
  • Handling of hazardous materials in logistics and storage.
  • First aid in the workplace.
  • The training material is approved by the Prevention and Safety Authority. In case of any change or modification after approval, the trainer shall notify the Authority of the change to be approved, in order to comply with the standardization of terminology related to health and safety.
  • Mandatory training of 20 entities in the Emirate of Sharjah (government sector, private sector, public and private schools).
  • Identify the targeted audience in the training course material.
  • Determine the minimum number of trainees.
  • Deliver a timeline for completion of all courses up to a maximum of 6 months, and in the event of a change in dates the authority must be notified.
  • Notify the Authority about the details of the course held and provision of photographic and video documentation along with evaluation questionnaires.

Commitment of SPSA towards the approved trainers

  • Fees for professional diploma and train the trainer course.
  • Providing the approved trainer card issued by the Authority.
  • Provide brochures and booklets that are published by the Authority for trainers to use during training.
  • Provide a Rollup for each trainer to represent the Authority during the sessions.
  • The names of trainers who will successfully pass the diploma will be included in the list of accredited trainees on the Authority's website.
  • Continuous follow-up of trainees after graduation from the program.

To register for the professional diploma, please fill the form by clicking on the link below and send the completed form to the mail

Bus Safety

As a result of the Sharjah Government''s vision to support culture in all its fields, the Salamatak Bus Initiative comes to support cultural expansion in the areas of prevention and safety, which targets building guards in order to introduce the concepts of prevention and safety as a culture adopted by the Prevention and Safety Authority in order to contribute to the protection of society. Salamatak Bus Initiative A mobile educational project through a bus equipped for this mission, which moves between different facilities in order to spread the concept of prevention and safety. The focus will be on public safety, prevention methods and their importance, and explain the importance of educating the community, especially building guards, which will benefit the individual and society.

Request the Bus

Training Programs

To view or download the training programs please click on the download button
Download Request for Training

Safe schools

To view or download the Safe schools please click on the download button.