The Prevention and Safety Authority in the Emirate of Sharjah has issued the transportation guide provided by the employer, as part of the guideline of the Sharjah Occupational Safety and Health System, with the aim of protecting workers benefiting from the employer’s transportation, protecting other road users and reducing the number of transportation-related injuries.
The guide touched on the obligations of employers and the obligations of workers, as employers must carry out a risk assessment process and provide appropriate control measures. They should also provide appropriate training and adequate supervision of vehicle drivers, and ensure their suitability to the nature of work in terms of health, mentality and skill.
Workers must not put themselves or others at risk and cooperate with employers to receive safety information and appropriate training, and they must report any activities or defects related to transportation that may affect their safety and the safety of others around them.
The guide set the general guidelines for assessing risks by identifying the dangers arising from the use of means of transportation and taking appropriate control measures, as the risks include, for example: exceeding speed limits, trip planning, routes used, departure and arrival times, methods of dealing with breakdowns and accidents, and other matters.
The guide also indicated that employers should ensure the efficiency of vehicle drivers by checking the validity of the driver’s license upon appointment and periodically evaluating the drivers’ skill to perform the required tasks and providing the necessary training when needed. A periodic medical examination should also be conducted and encouraged to report any health problems they suffer Including that the daily driving period should not exceed 12 hours, taking periodic breaks every two hours, whether the driver feels tired or not, provided that all the mentioned instructions are also applied to contractors and external transport service providers.
The guide touched on the necessity of planning transportation routes and taking into account several factors, including, for example, choosing the safest roads and the safest vehicles that are suitable for the desired purpose, defining realistic schedules, taking into account traffic congestion and times when heavy trucks are prohibited from driving. It may lead to the cancellation of the trip completely, calling for consulting the motorists and taking their comments when doing this process.
The detailed guide for transportation provided by the employer, in addition to all other guides, can be obtained through the website of the Prevention and Safety Authority .