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Thermal Stress by HE Sheikh Khalid Bin Saqr Al Qasimi

Thermal Stress by HE Sheikh Khalid Bin Saqr Al Qasimi

The ban, which has been in force since Saturday, June 15, continues until Sunday, September 15, 2019.It supports the consolidation of the rights of the workforce in the UAE, to protect the safety of field workers and those exposed to the sun from the risk of heat stress. .

Based on our general objectives towards a safe and risk-free society, we call on employers to implement the ministerial decision. Exposure to heat and heatstroke can be fatal if appropriate controls are not in place, so the responsibilities of employers and This aspect, in addition to adherence to safety requirements in the workplace, and take control measures to ensure the implementation of the resolution.

It is worth mentioning that the Authority initiated a series of awareness programs to train workers on preventive measures during the afternoon, which included the city of Sharjah and the central and eastern region, in order to educate workers supervisors and officials on the procedures to be followed to prevent heat stress injuries.

The programs were not limited to government departments, but also covered the sectors of the field work, such as factories and construction, as well as raising awareness of the segments of society through social media channels.

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