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Aman My Country discusses the safety of housing and facilities in the emirate

Aman My Country discusses the safety of housing and facilities in the emirate

His Excellency Colonel Sami Al Naqbi, Director General of Sharjah Civil Defense confirmed that the positive decline in civil defense indicators in the past five years related to accidents, deaths, and injuries, and the decrease in response time to reports, came as a result of the initiatives that the Civil Defense is keen to implement at the firefighting levels, and to educate society about the most important risks that It is possible to confront them, confirming the continuous keenness of the Civil Defense to achieve the strategic direction of the Ministry of Interior, which aims to make the UAE the best country in the world in achieving security and safety, by enhancing civil safety and ensuring readiness and readiness to face events.
This came during the "Aman Ya Baladi" program, prepared by the Department of Media and Public Relations, and broadcast live on Sharjah Radio, every Sunday morning, to discuss a number of diverse topics, during which the participating guests spoke from inside the studio, and by phone about a number of From various police and security topics.

Colonel Al-Naqbi explained that the efforts made by the Civil Defense in dealing with and controlling accidents are based on main directions represented in ensuring readiness and preparedness, through continuous training of civil defense cadres to deal with all possible scenarios of accidents, and practical exercises that are carried out by monitoring and recurring accidents during In addition to ensuring all efforts with partners in annual periodic exercises, in addition to the proactive operations that are carried out through periodic and sudden inspections of all buildings and in the jurisdiction areas, to ensure the efficiency of the work of firefighting systems, or alarms, and smoke control devices, and to ensure the validity of roads The escape, indicating that there is a guide to the emergency plan that shows the degree of dealing with the accident and the control mechanism used, indicating if it needs support and assistance from the civil defense agencies in the other emirates, as the civil defense is a holistic device that does not recognize the geography of the place, but rather depends on the continuity of providing services and protecting lives and property and infrastructure preservation of the state.

For his part, Abdullah Abdul-Rasoul Al-Majidi, Deputy Director of the Standards and Conformity Department at the Prevention and Safety Authority, said about the “Aman” system project in the Authority, which is a complementary communication device for the fire devices in the facilities, whether they are residential, commercial or other, and it delivers messages From the work systems in the facility to the civil defense operations room, to ensure rapid response in cases of fire, in addition to the requirements of the system and the mechanism of its installation in all facilities, addressing the efforts made by the Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority, through awareness campaigns to introduce this system, and its impact Positive on the security and safety of community members, to reach a fire-free society


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