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"Prevention and Safety" Awareness of Jubail market workers on the concepts of security in the work environment

"Prevention and Safety" Awareness of Jubail market workers on the concepts of security in the work environment

The Sharjah Safety and Prevention Authority organized an awareness program for Jubail market workers, entitled “Safety and Safety in the Work Environment”, in Jubail Market, with the aim of raising preventive awareness among support workers and seeking to implement occupational safety rules to avoid any future dangers in the performance of their work.
The lecture is part of the Authority's annual plan, which aims to spread preventive awareness among all sectors of society, including workers. This program was designed to improve knowledge and awareness of the concepts of security and safety in the work environment, in addition to identifying potential risks and emergencies at work, in order to avoid accidents easily. And to take security and safety measures to minimize losses. The training program targeted 100 Jubail market workers.
The training program includes a detailed explanation of the safety and security standards that must be followed when dealing with work risks, what are the responsibilities of the worker in the workplace, fire safety procedures, proper handling when fire, as well as learning the basics of first aid, and reporting of hazardous practices that do not Workplace safety procedures shall be followed for the benefit of the worker and the facility, in addition to training them in the methods of using personal protective equipment.
Sheikh Khalid bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Chairman of the Prevention and Safety Authority, explained that the awareness program was part of the annual awareness plan for all members of the community, including the category of support workers, in order to promote the values ​​of occupational health and safety, and give them the necessary skills that enable them to develop the possibility of future work, Rules of safety and security, and the preparation of qualified and competent staff to deal with the risks faced by workers in order to reduce the incidence of injuries at work sites.

#Sharjah_Prevention_and_Safety_Authority #Preventive_Awareness #Supportive_workers #Awareness_program #workers #Jubai_Market #Safety #Work_environment

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